Category Archives: Happenings

IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professional Congress 2016

Članovi IEEE University of Osijek Student Brancha sudjelovali su na IEEE Region 8 Student and Young Professionals kongresu (R8SYP) koji se održavao od 17. 8. 2016. do 21. 8. 2016. O važnosti takvih inicijativa za razvoj vještina i ideja pročitajte u (usko) posebnim resursima ili buy sociology papers. godine u Njemačkoj na OTH Regensburg u istoimenom gradu. Na Kongresu su sudjelovali studenti i mladi inženjeri iz Europe, Afrike i Bliskog Istoka. Osječki su IEEE studentski ogranak predstavljali Josip Balen, Dinko Jakovljević, Marina Tošeski i Domagoj Kovač.

Kongres je započeo u Thon-Dittmer palači u starome dijelu grada. Nakon dobrodošlice uslijedilo je krstarenje brodom na Dunavu. Obrazovni je sadržaj Kongresa sadržavao predavanja i radionice. Predavanja su bila raspodjeljena u četiri bloka i pokrivala su razna područja aktivnosti IEEE zajednice, kao i aktualnu predsjedničku debatu.  Radionice su održavane usporedno, jer svaki je posjetitelj kongresa unaprijed prijavio radionice na kojima će sudjelovati. Radionice su bile raspodjeljene u šest blokova: IEEE Student Activities, IEEE Young Professionals, IEEE Societies/ Further Knowledge, Fun/ Competitions/ Hands On, Soft- Skills i Technical workshops. Također, osim radionica, posjetitelji su mogli posjetiti tvrtke kao što su BMW, Infineon, MR Reinhousen i Krones, kao i laboratorije Embedded Systems Laboratory, Renewable Energies Laboratory, Cleanroom Laboratory te jRobots. Za sudionike Kongresa organizirane su i tematske večere. Tako su, osim spomenutog krstarenja brodom na Dunavu, održane  Gala i Bavarska večera te Multikulturalna večer na kojoj su se nacionalne sekcije predstavljale s tradicionalnim jelima, pićima te drugom baštinom.

Osim samog sudjelovanja na radionicama, članovi ogranka su i sami održavali radionice. Tako je Josip Balen održao radionicu o  IEEEmadC-u, natjecanju u izradi mobilnih aplikacija, dok je Dinko Jakovljević održao radionice o IEEE SIGHT-u te radionicu naslovljenu Win an IEEE award in few easy steps.

Predavanje: “Vođenje elektroenergetskog sustava”

Društvo za elektroenergetiku studentskog ogranka IEEE-a u Osijeku organzira predavanje na temu Vođenje elektroenergetskog sustava. Predavanje će održati zaposlenik Hrvatskog operatora prijenosnog sustava (HOPS) Zlatko Harhaj u srijedu, 6. travnja, 2016. godine, u 17 sati u dvorani 2-14 Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Osijek (Kneza Trpimira 2B).

Svi zainteresirani su dobrodošli!

Izrada znanstvenog, završnog i diplomskog rada

IEEE još jednu u nizu godina organizira predavanje na temu Izrada znanstvenog, završnog i diplomskog rada. Na predavanju će se studente uputiti uz smjernice kako izraditi što kvalitetniji rad. Predavanje će održati Rimac-Drlje, a termin predavanja je 23.03.2016, srijeda, s početkom u 13:30 h. Predavanje će se održati na Elektrotehničkm fakultetu Osijek u predavaonici K1-15 (zgrada Kampus). Svi su pozvani!

Poziv na 15. sastanak IEEE Studentskog ogranka Osijek

Svi članovi IEEE SB Osijek i ostali zainteresirani pozivaju se na 15. sastanak IEEE Studentskog ogranka Osijek koji će se održati u srijedu, 13.1.2016. godine, s početkom u 18:00 sati na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u laboratoriju K3-1 (zgrada Kampus).

Dnevni red sastanka:

  • Natječaj za izradu loga
  • Produljenje članstva
  • IEEE Crash Course
  • IEEEmadC
  • Pregled aktivnosti za prethodni mjesec
  • Planiranje aktivnosti za idući mjesec

Vidimo se na sastanku!

Predavanje gosta s UMIST-a Manchester prof.dr. Jovice Milanovića

Dana 18.12.2015 na Elektrotehničkom fakultetu u Osijeku u prostoriji 2-31 u 9 h održat će se predavanje Jovice Milanovića s temeom “Modelling and analysis of future data rich and uncertain power systems” u sklopu IEEE DLP programa.

Abstract: The future power systems will be characterized by blurred boundaries between transmission and distribution system, by mix of wide range of electricity generating technologies (conventional hydro, thermal, nuclear and power electronic interfaced stochastic and intermittent renewable generation), responsive and highly flexible, typically power electronics interfaced, demand and storage with significant temporal and spatial uncertainty, proliferation of power electronics (HVDC, FACTS devices and new types of load devices) and significantly higher reliance on the use of measurement data including global (Wide Area Monitoring) signals for system identification, characterization and control and Information and Communication Technology embedded within the power system network and its components. In order to successfully control such system and its parts and to ensure its stability and security the control strategies and modelling and simulation tools for future power networks need to cater for significantly increased uncertainties, both in terms of model uncertainties and operational uncertainties and influx of unprecedented amount of data from different types of local and wide area distributed data acquisition devices and monitors. This presentation identifies sources of uncertainties and big data in future power networks and gives examples of methodologies that can be used to successfully model, analyse and control these complex systems.

Biography of the presenter

Jovica V Milanovic received Dipl.Ing. and M.Sc. degrees from the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia, Ph.D. degree from the University of Newcastle, Australia, and D.Sc. degree from The University of Manchester, UK. Prior to joining The University of Manchester, UK, in 1998, he worked with “Energoproject”, Engineering and Consulting Co. and the University of Belgrade in Yugoslavia, and the Universities of Newcastle and Tasmania in Australia.

Currently, he is a Professor of Electrical Power Engineering, Deputy Head of School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Head of Electrical Energy and Power Systems Group at The University of Manchester, UK , Visiting Professor at the University of Novi Sad, Serbia and Conjoint Professor at the University of Newcastle, Australia. He was chairman of 3 international conferences , editor or member of editorial/technical boards of 50+ international journals and conferences, research project assessor for 12 international government research funding councils, member of 7 (convenor of 2) past or current IEEE/CIGRE/CIRED WG and consultant or member of advisory boards for several international companies. Professor Milanovic published over 400 research papers and reports, gave many key note speeches at international conferences and presented over 120 courses/tutorials and lectures to industry and academia around the world.

Professor Milanovic is a Chartered Engineer in the UK, Foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Engineering Sciences, FIET, FIEEE, Distinguished IEEE PES Lecturer and currently serves on IEEE PES Governing Board as Regional Representative for Europe, Middle east and Africa.